Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sexism, Misogyny, and Barbie. Oh My.

I don't know how much of this whole SFWA debacle you guys have followed. Maybe none, maybe all. For me, I'm one of the people on the outside, looking in and, from what I can see, it sure doesn't look too pretty in there. From what I've read, while the issue didn't begin and end with the comments made by Mike Resnick and Barry Malzberg, they seem to be the final straw. With the cherry and whip cream topping being the comments praising Barbie, yes, the plastic illustrious and completely practical role model, for maintaining quiet dignity the way a woman should.

I don't think I need to point out that Barbie's plastic lips were made from a mold that have them permanently sealed shut, right?

As of June 5th, the editor for the bulletin, the person who oversaw the article by Resnick and Malzberg, submitted her resignation. I have mixed feelings about this. While she was the one who gave approval for the articles, she isn't the one who originally put the thoughts to paper and submitted it as a legitimate conversation piece. She's not without fault, but I feel that, at this point in time, there's definitely enough blame and consequence to go around that it doesn't need to fall squarely on her shoulders. At the same time, this is a professional organization and I think it's fair for us as a group to expect better.

In that thread of thought, I work in a male dominated environment. A professional business male dominated environment. And by male dominated environment, I mean that I'm the only woman in an office full of men. By all the standards and expectations that could be set forth by the views articulated in the article by Resnick and Malzberg, I would be the 'lady in the office.' I'm not. I'm Bryna. I'm the person who will beat sense into the computer system, or at least have some creative swearing while attempting to do so. I'm the one that you come to with all graphics questions and requests, even the ones that are kind of on the insane side and prove that you know just enough to be dangerous. I'm the one that has your back when the dragon we're going up against today comes knocking at your door, just like you have my back. I'm your coworker, your member in arms in the good fight. I'm not defined by my gender, but rather by my merits and qualifications, which shouldn't be that novel of a concept.

The publishing industry at large is a dinosaur and the article by Resnick and Malzberg demonstrates the prehistoric views aren't contained just to their publishing views (ebook versus traditional publishing and the whole pricing model). Thankfully, there is a bright spot and it's unfortunate this bright spot has to come on the tail of two people acting like they just stumbled out of the primordial ooze at the beginning of the evolution chain. The bright spot I speak of is the immediate response by the writing community at large, a community that struck down the beliefs shown by Resnick and Malzberg and, instead, demonstrated a modern attitude while supporting their fellow writers. Jim Hines has compiled a nice round-up of these thoughts and reactions that are worth checking out.

As I said, it's unfortunate it took such a gross misstep in such a public forum, but it's reassuring to know that you're not alone. Instead, you have an army of awesome people right behind you.

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